We Can Help
What we do...
We match your request with partner volunteers, who will provide basic guidance on how to navigate the health care and related systems
We assist family members/loved ones to better help you
We provide a panel of professionals to support our volunteers and clients
We provide tips for positive interactions with your health care providers
We assist with a single issue or problem
We help you to find Affordable Insurance, medical care, medications, legal and other services
We assist you with medical records and access to Patient Portal
We assist you with medical billing challenges
We help with forms
We don't...
We are not affiliated with any medical provider, hospital, or insurance company
We don't offer medical or legal advice
We don't treat you or provide medical services
We don't provide legal services
We don't provide case management services
We don't make medical or legal decisions for you
We don't provide emergency services
We don't store your medical records
We don't continuously engage throughout your health care experiences
Privacy Statement
JKPPA will not directly reach out to health care providers to obtain protected health care information. By providing private information or access to private information to JKPPA and its partner volunteers you understand that we intend to use the information to assist you and to promote the mission of JKPPA. Although JKPPA is not a covered entity for HIPPA purposes, we use our best efforts to maintain the privacy of health information and will not voluntarily make disclosures to others.