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Professional Panel

Our Professional Panel


Are you an active or retired professional who has expertise in the health care field, legal, insurance, or other professional field?

JKPPA is providing a platform for you to share your valuable skills and experience to help patients in need. Our clients include patients who are facing challenges navigating the health care and related systems, experiencing difficulties finding the right answers to their questions, feeling conflicted about their health care experience, or just don’t know where to turn or what to do.


Join the JKPPA Professional Panel and use your experience to provide guidance to our volunteers who have been partnered with clients or to the clients themselves.


Feel the personal gratification and reward of:


Doing what you have always done best without the encumbrances of paid professional employment and bureaucratic systems and without potential liability for your good faith professional guidance;


Easing the burden of front line health care providers;


Making all the difference in a patient's life.



By joining the JKPPA Professional Panel you do not have to make any specific time commitment.  When we match you with someone in need, we will first reach out to you to determine if you are available to assist at that time.


You can assist volunteers and patients by providing your expertise and insights to help them focus on asking the right questions and seeking the right solutions. 


You can bring much comfort and support to another at a vulnerable time in their lives. 


Volunteer as little or as much time as you can from the comfort of your home or office and feel the gratitude of helping others.


Having a JKPPA volunteer professional help patients with a specific medical, legal, insurance or related issue can ensure that unique individual concerns and needs do not fall through the cracks. 


JKPPA and its hero volunteer professional advisory panel members can increase patients’ access to care and point them in the right direction, making them less vulnerable.

Jeff Kornblau Partners for Patient Advocacy, d/b/a JKPPA is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization, EIN: 86-3780434, 610 Harper Avenue, Jenkintown, PA 19046.  Gifts to JKPPA are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information. JKPPA's services are offered for free without regard to ability to pay. 


Note that under the Volunteer Protection Act, 42 U.S.C. § 14503, volunteers, including volunteers who are professionals, are not liable for acts or omissions during the course of performing good faith services. It is the patient's right and responsibility to make their own health care decisions in conjunction with their own health care providers.

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