The Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP)
The Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP)
The Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP) provides free transportation to medical appointments for people receiving Medical Assistance in Philadelphia:
How it works:
MATP offers shared rides, usually in vans or taxis, to locations near your destination. You can also be reimbursed for bus fares or parking and tolls if you have access to a car.
How to apply:
You can contact your county's MATP provider or call the Rapid Response and Outreach Team at 1-800-573-4100 for assistance.
What you need:
You'll need to carry your Pennsylvania ACCESS card and have the driver check it each time.
What you can use it for:
You can use MATP to go to medical appointments for doctors, dentists, hospitals, pharmacies, and more.
Who can accompany you:
An eligible child under 18 can be accompanied by a parent or guardian at no cost. Others may be able to bring someone along if they need an escort.